Dịch vụ Google Rankbrain algorithm – algorithm based on machine learning

Thảo luận trong 'Diễn Đàn Mua Bán' bắt đầu bởi Duong Minh, 14/6/23.

  1. Duong Minh

    Duong Minh Member

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    Google Rankbrain algorithm – algorithm based on machine learning
    Google Rankbrain algorithm is one of the algorithms developed based on machine learning technology. This is an important part of Google's search algorithm, designed to understand and analyze website content more intelligently, thereby giving search results more relevant to users.

    Rankbrain is one of the most complex algorithms and requires a lot of time to optimize
    In the past, Google's search algorithms evaluated a website based on basic factors such as keywords, titles, descriptions, number of links to the site, and Core Web Vitals factors. However, with the rise of machine learning, Google Rankbrain has been designed to understand and analyze website content based on more complex factors, including natural language and user search needs.

    Specifically, Google Rankbrain uses a machine learning algorithm to analyze a user's search queries and come up with the most relevant search results. It has the ability to learn and improve each search, helping Google produce more accurate search results over time.
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